Simondale Excavating at work

We’ve been working on the installation of electrical and cable (internet) service at our property.

Simondale Excavating installed 1800 feet of conduit through the woods, under multiple roads, and near buildings with impeccable accuracy and attention to detail.  All conduit was bedded with limestone dust and carefully back-filled to prevent damage.

Installing Conduit for Electrical and Cable service.



Restoring a Driveway

As part of an utility easement I negotiated with an adjacent property owner, we agreed that I would improve his driveway using fill from my property.

This took hundreds (if not thousands) of tons of dirt and rock to complete.  Nice!

Another excellent project completed by Simondale Excavating from Tyrone, PA.







Panoramic of Simondale Excavating at work

It’s spring and with the beauty of the trees and forest, the end of the snow and rain, came time to do a bit more earth moving.  I believe this panoramic photograph should illustrate the quality of work rendered by Jim Simondale and Matt Simondale from Simondale Excavating, Warriors Mark, PA.  Matt can be reached at (814) 935-8591.

Bear in mind that this covers 180 degrees, so keep that in “perspective” as you scroll left-to-right.  As usual, click the picture to see full-size.

360 Panoramic from the Top of the Hill

I took about 45 photos today, freehand, with Eli’s FinePix point-and-shoot digital camera.  The camera isn’t in top shape, and the light of the sun really washed out some of the shots, which was propagated to all shots by Hugin while stitching.

I would imagine that if I knew more about Hugin, that I could prevent some of this.

Regardless, it’s a pretty cool picture.  Zechariah is in it, if you can find him!

(make sure you click it and let your browser open it full size)