The Wonder Of 3D Printing

Here is a little robot the kids and I were working on.

We designed it in Solidworks.

8-12-2013 9-57-45 PM.png

Prepared for printing in the MakerWare software.

8-12-2013 10-21-54 PM.png

Printed it on the MakerBot.  It failed halfway through and we had to re-print some of the parts.


Here is a closeup of the print.


And some pictures of the finished chassis.


We used custom rubber bands for tires. Threads were even printed into some of the parts so 6mm bolts could screw right in.


Playing with Turtle XYZ

3D Rendering has always interested me, but I’ve never taken the time to mess around with it much.

When I was a kid I used to do stuff like this in Basic.  But I didn’t know trig or other similar functions so I was left to basic math and the random functions.

Here is a little turtle program (python) that will make a wrinkled fabric type display.

2015-12-18 - B163539.png