Panoramic of Simondale Excavating at work

It’s spring and with the beauty of the trees and forest, the end of the snow and rain, came time to do a bit more earth moving.  I believe this panoramic photograph should illustrate the quality of work rendered by Jim Simondale and Matt Simondale from Simondale Excavating, Warriors Mark, PA.  Matt can be reached at (814) 935-8591.

Bear in mind that this covers 180 degrees, so keep that in “perspective” as you scroll left-to-right.  As usual, click the picture to see full-size.

Panoramic Image of Woods and 3 Driveways

Using the Motorola Droid X, I took about 10 photographs at 5MP, freehand.  Then I used Hugin, the open source image stitching software.

I had never stitched images together, but I must say this tool is impressive.  The images were all various shades, angles, and since taken freehand, not straight.

However, see the result below…